For Authors
Please download and read carefully the instruction files below to prepare a manuscript:
1. Template File for Preparing a Manuscript (in .docx)
2. Template File for providing Authors’ information and suggesting Potential Peer Reviewers (in .docx)
All manuscripts should be submitted via the Online system. Authors should follow the submission guide provided below:
3. Guide for Online Submission of a Manuscript (in .pdf)
4. Template for responses to Reviewers' questions (in .docx)
The submission of a manuscript to the Journal should include at least two completed files in .doc format by using the above template files numbered 1 and 2.
1. General Requirements
Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering (STCE Journal) by Hanoi University of Civil Engineering (HUCE) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal specialized in the field of construction and published annually with three issues in English (scheduled in January, April and August), ISSN 1859-2996.
Authors are welcome to represent that the submission is the Authors’ original work which has not been previously published or under review elsewhere. If a part of the work is resulted by an organization or scientific team, it should be agreed in a written document by them for all uses.
Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given by citing the source at appropriate places. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work.
For more information, please see the Copyright Notice, Privacy Statement and Journal Policies at the Journal website.
2. Format Requirements
Manuscript should be typed using Template File for Preparing a Manuscript in Microsoft Office Word; single column; about 15 to 18 pages in A4 size (21 x 29.7 cm); font type: Times New Roman; font size: 13; line spacing: multiple at 1.2; space before paragraph 6 pt; margins (top, bottom, left and right): 2.5 cm.
PAPER TITLE: about 20 words, in upper case letter, centered.
Full names of Authors: in lower case letter.
Authors’ names, academic title, degree, affiliations, e-mail addresses, phone numbers and other information are in lower case letter, italic.
Abstract: about 150 to 300 words in length, in lower case letter. The abstract should state concisely the whole research work including the necessary, purpose, methodology and main results obtained, not just the conclusions. It should contain no citation to other published work and uncommon abbreviations.
Keywords: about 5 to 10 words, separated by semicolons, in lower case letter.
Manuscript should provide Readers with the background information needed to understand the study topic; specify the limitation of previous research works related; identify reasons to conduct this work and contribution on theory and application; present the research objectives, methodologies, means of study, relevant analyses, evaluations, data to prove rigorously, results obtained and discussions to interpret the results; be written clearly and coherently; use science terminologies exactly; provide adequate citations and references.
Manuscript should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work. A number of relevant references should be cited in the introduction and other sections, approximately 20 to 30 references. The cited references should be strongly related to the research question.
References are numbered in order of their appearance and enclosed in square brackets, for example [1-3] or [1, 2, 5]. The references listed at the end of the manuscript should all be cited in the manuscript and vice versa.
Manuscript should be divided in numbered sections and sub-sections. The section title should be written in a specific and concise manner, containing information related to the section content.
Figures and photos should be clear, not blurred; use Times New Roman font type, in lower case letter; include relevant captions and notes placed below figures and photos, in lower case letter, centered; be numbered and cited in the text.
Tables should be formatted clearly and uniformly; include titles placed above tables, in lower case letter, centered; be numbered and cited in the text.
Equations should be typed clearly using the MathType in Microsoft Office Word; numbered in order and within parenthesis (…) on the right-hand side of the equation; cited in the text.
Units should be the international system of units (SI).
Conclusions should concisely be supported by the main results achieved in the study, avoiding overstatement of the importance of the findings. The conclusions should be consistent with the research objectives and within the scope of the study which are stated in the introduction. Limitations of the study may also be noted in the conclusions.
Acknowledgements must be identified including organizers and individuals who provided help and financial supports in research projects.
For example: Financial support (Number …) from Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) is greatly acknowledged.
References should be listed at the end of the paper, numbered according to the order of appearance in the text, cited in the text in square brackets […] and vice versa; ensure the following APA format:
- For standards, codes:
Standard or code title (publishing year in parenthesis). Name of standard or code in italic. Publisher, publishing location.
[1] EC8 (2004). Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings. Brussels, Belgium.
- For books:
Authors’ names abbreviated as prescribed (publishing year in parenthesis). Title of book in italic. Publisher, publishing location.
[2] Chopra, A.K. (2007). Dynamics of structures: Theory and applications to earthquake engineering. Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
- For journal and conference articles:
Authors’ names abbreviated as prescribed (publishing year in parenthesis). Article title. Name of journal or conference proceedings in italic, volume (issue number in parenthesis): page to page numbers. DOI or link address on the Internet (if any)
[3] Thuat, D.V., Ichinose, T. (2005). Probabilistic estimation of seismic story drifts in reinforced concrete buildings. Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 131(3): 416-427.
- For PhD dissertations, Masters’ theses:
Author’s name abbreviated as prescribed (year to obtain degree in parenthesis). Name of PhD dissertation or Master thesis in italic. Host institution name. Link address on the Internet (if any).
- For research projects:
Authors’ names abbreviated as prescribed (year to finish the project in parenthesis). Title of research project in italic. Host institution name, project code number. Link address on the Internet (if any).
- For Internet addresses:
The website name. Title of the material in italic. Link address, accessed date / month / year.
[4] Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering, National University of Civil Engineering. A template for preparing manuscripts., accessed on October 1, 2018.
Other foreign languages beyond Latin alphabet should be represented by phonetic symbols according to common principle to Latin alphabet or English.
For more information, please see the Copyright Notice, Privacy Statement and Journal Policies at the Journal website.
3. Responses to the Reviewers’ Questions
The Authors should response all the Reviewers’ questions and comments clearly. The Authors can express their disagreement about the Reviewers' comments, but should provide convincing evidences and comments in accordance with the prescribed ethical standards (please see the Journal Policies on the Journal website).
In addition to answering the questions, the Authors need to revise the manuscript and highlight in red the edited content. It is recommended to use "Track Changes" in Microsoft Word to edit, but not to display the Author's name.
After the revision is completed, the Authors should submit the following attached files via the Online system:
1. A completely revised manuscript (in .docx, or .pdf if written on Latex)
2. The responses to the Reviewers’ comments and questions (in .docx)
3. Other documents (if any)
4. Messages to the Editors (if any). In case the Authors need to discuss with the Editors, please send an additional attachment (separated from the "Responses to the Reviewers’ comments and questions"), or use the message function in the Online system.