Gentrifications in Hanoi city inner: Characteristics, causes and solutions
Strong urbanization and enormous pressures of urban living and livelihoods have led to different development trends. A portion of urban residents choose to settle in the periphery to enjoy more quality living standard while suffering more mobility cost for work. Meanwhile, the others have decided to redevelop in the city inner to take advantage the available infrastructure, which leads the trend for revitalization. This later transition will be discussed in the paper and identified as "gentrification" process with both physical, economic and social changes. The "purification" of lifestyles and people in the given area during this process is a noteworthy point. The paper analyzes the characteristics, causes and solutions of gentrification in Hanoi historic inner under the local urban development context.
Article history: Received 19 March 2018, Revised 27 March 2018, Accepted 27 April 2018
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