Study on using maximum amount of fly ash in producing ultra-high performance concrete
In the present study, the synergic effects of cementitious materials in the ternary binder containing cement, silica fume, fly ash on the workability and compressive strength were evaluated by using the D-optimal design of Design-Expert 7. The ternary binder composed of 65 vol.-% cement, 15 vol.-% SF and 20 vol.-% FA at the W/Fv ratio of 0.50 is the optimum mixture proportions for the highest compressive strength of the UHPC. To produce the sustainable UHPC, high-volume fly ash ultra high performance concrete with a good flowability and 28-d compressive strength over 130 MPa can be produced with fly ash content up to 30 vol.-% in the binder.
Article history: Received 21 March 2018, Revised 06 April 2018, Accepted 27 April 2018
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